City of Collision: Jerusalem and the Principles of Conflict Urbanism

City of Collision: Jerusalem and the Principles of Conflict Urbanism

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Cod produs/ISBN: 9783764374822

Disponibilitate: La comanda in aproximativ 4 saptamani

Editura: Birkhauser

Limba: Engleza

Nr. pagini: 391

Coperta: Paperback

Dimensiuni: 23.2 x 15.6 cm

An aparitie: 2006

War has entered the cities. Since September 11, 2001 at the latest, it has become apparent that this is the case not only in Jerusalem and the Middle East, but also in Western metropolises. This book presents a thorough investigation of the current situat
An aparitie 2006
Autor Philipp Misselwitz, Tim Rieneits
Dimensiuni 23.2 x 15.6 cm
Editura Birkhauser
Format Paperback
Limba Engleza
Nr pag 391

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